And the fact that they do server side modding is the reason why nobody can upload a "crack" or "crack the software" and upload it. No there seems to be no alternative besides home brewing, AS SOMEONE ELSE SAID ALREADY.

At least not unless they're a really good hacker and figure out how to get the secret from them. Which is why you need an internet connection to use it, it is also why nobody could take their magic from them. Then there is the answer to how they actually managed to keep their secret and that is because the software uses "server side modding" so you may select the game from a list on your computer, but all the "work" being done on your actual save file is done on their servers across the internet. So no guy at home in his basement could really afford to spare the time to do this level of work. We customers expect every new game (almost) that is even a little popular to get support from save wizard. First of all, A lot of people out there that would be willing to make software like this might end up putting support for a few games here and there, but there would be no way to put the kind of support that save wizard has without charging money, because it requires constant updating, and constant maintenance. With that being said the reason they're the only ones that have it is because they were smart. So? How did they do it then? I'd imagine it'd be safe to say somebody who used to work at Sony (or possibly STILL works at Sony?) It's making a pretty penny off the save wizard crew. I can't imagine with all the people out there that manage to bypass all the different security that companies put in their software and devices that NOBODY ELSE in the ENTIRE world has released any software like save wizard.

I'm surprised nobody else has figured it out honestly, it leads me to believe it would be something you'd call "an inside job" I just can't get it out of my mind when I think about it. The most intelligent part of the Save Wizard Crew is that they ALONE managed to succeed in making this all possible.